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M2.03. Analiza warunków istotnych dla procesu mentoringu w miejscu pracy
8. Bibliografia
- https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/corporate-culture.asp#ixzz5BgpGHErF
- https://www.strategy-business.com/
- Lacey, K. (1999). Making mentoring happen: a simple and effective guide to implementing a successful mentoring program. Warriewood, NSW: Business & Professional Publishing Pty Ltd.
- University of Glasgow. Mentoring scheme best practice https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/humanresources/employeeandorganisationaldevelopment/developmentaltoolkits/mentoringtoolkit/
- CIPD - Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (London) West Yorkshire CIPD, Branch Mentoring Programme https://www.cipd.co.uk/Images/west-yorkshire-mentoring-pack_2011_tcm18-9423.pdf
- The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) 2014, Mentoring: Supporting and Promoting Professional Development and Learning, www.sssc.uk.com http://www.stepintoleadership.info/assets/pdf/SSSC%20Mentoring%20guidance.pdf
- McKimm J., Jollie C. and Hatter M. (2003). Mentoring: Theory and Practice http://www.faculty.londondeanery.ac.uk/e-learning/feedback/files/Mentoring_Theory_and_Practice.pdf
- Ballasy L., Fullop M., Garringer M.: Effective Strategies for Providing Quality Youth Mentoring in Schools and Communities, Generic Mentoring Program Policy and Procedure Manual, Hamilton Fish Institute (Washington, DC 20037) http://www.hamfish.org http://www.mentoring.org/images/uploads/MentoringPolicy.pdf
- WHITE PAPER - HOW COACHING & MENTORING CAN DRIVE SUCCESS IN YOUR ORGANIZATION by Lis Merrick - Managing Director, Coach Mentoring U.K., for Chronus Corporation https://hru.gov/documents/MentoringStudio/How%20Coaching%20%20Mentoring%20Can%20Drive%20Success%20in%20Your%20Organization.pdf
- Developing Performance Mentoring Handbook, Department of Education, Training and Employment by Dr Lisa Catherine Ehrich, Queensland University of Technology, September 2013 http://education.qld.gov.au/staff/development/performance/pdfs/dp-mentoring-handbook.pdf