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M3.06. Preparing the evaluation of the mentoring process

5. Evaluation Plan

5.1. Evaluation Type

The type of evaluation you want depends on the stage that your strategy, initiative or programme is in and the purpose of the evaluation. Evaluation type is not the same thing as evaluation
methodology. Once you determine the type you should use – and depending on what you want to accomplish through the evaluation process – you can decide on the approach to use.
Essentially, there are three major types of evaluation and each serves a specific function and
answers certain questions:

  • Performance monitoring
  • Process or formative evaluation
  • Outcome or summative evaluation

Sometimes, it could be necessary to conduct these three types of evaluation simultaneously.
Below is a table which highlights the key types of evaluation, their purpose, the types of information that they will gather, and when they would be conducted.

Purpose Kinds of Questions Answered Timing
Performance monitoring
  • Ensures accountability for programme activities.
  • Demonstrates that resources for the program, are used as intended and managed well.
  • Monitors and reports on progress toward pre-established goals.
  • Provides early warning to management of problems.
  • Have activities for the programme been conducted as planned?
  • Have products and services been generated and provided by the effort as planned?
  • Has the effort accomplished what it set out to do?
Performance monitoring can be conducted throughout the strategy, initiative or program period, from beginning to end.
Process or Formative Evaluation
  • Seeks to understand if a programme is being implemented as planned and according to schedule.
  • Assesses if the programme is producing the intended outputs.
  • Identifies strengths and weaknesses of the programme.
  • Critical for informing adjustments to the programme.
  • Has the programme been implemented as planned and if not, why?
  • What has worked or not worked and why?
  • What needs to be improved and how?
Process or formative evaluation should be conducted at the start-up period and while the programme elements are still being adapted.
Outcome or Summative
  • Investigates whether the programme achieved the desired outcomes
  • Evaluates what made the programme effective or ineffective.
  • Assesses if the effort is sustainable and replicable.
  • What changes did the programme cause or contribute to?
  • How did the effort cause or contribute to the changes?
  • How is the effort going to be sustained and replicated?
Outcome or summative evaluation should be conducted when immediate and intermediate outcomes are expected to emerge, usually after the effort has been going on for a while, or when it is considered "mature" or "stable" (i.e., no longer being adapted and adjusted).