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M1.02. Designing and planning the mentoring process

Question 16

Re. 16. Will the mentoring programme be promoted? If yes, whether in a formal or an informal way?

A response to this question is strictly related to the question 5, as the programme promotion strategy should be selected depending on who the mentor and the mentee will be. It is also important to develop the communication strategy to be implemented within the programme. General information on the mentoring programme should be widely announced, with adjustment of communication channels to the specificity of particular employee groups.
Gaining the "programme agents", i.e. representatives of top management who will encourage to participate in the programme, constitutes a good promotional solution. Such an approach ensures also full and real implementation of mentoring in the organisation management and culture.


If you analysed the conditions for mentoring implementation in your organisation with use of questions and guidelines in the previous part of the module, develop a plan to implement the programme step by step

STEP 1. EDUCATE YOURSELF – find out as much as possible about mentoring, if possible, participate in the mentoring training and/or in the mentoring process.

STEP 2. GAIN THE PROGRAMME AGENTS – preferably your superiors and/or other top managers. Their involvement shall translate into an interest in the programme among employees.

STEP 3. SHARE KNOWLEDGE – organise mini training/workshop/presentation to present the mentoring concepts, as this will enable persons who so far have not used that tool of development acquire information and get used to the thought that mentoring will be conducted in your organisation.

STEP 4. PREPARE A PROJECT – itemise mentoring as a business project, defining required resources, mainly human, organisational and financial issues. At this stage, determine a mentoring type to be executed in your organisation.

STEP 5. CREATE A TEAM – the need for appointment of a team shall result from the project description. The team composition shall depend on actions foreseen under mentoring.

STEP 6. DEVELOP CRITERIA IN A TEAM – who will perform the mentor's role, who will be the mentee? How will you recruit to the programme? Is any external support needed (e.g. at the stage of selection of the mentor-mentee pairs)?

STEP 7. CARRY OUT PILOTAGE – at this stage you can make some adjustments in the programme assumptions, verify to what extent the mentoring programme meets the employees' expectations.

STEP 8. EXECUTE THE MENTORING PROGRAMME – remember that it should last 10-12 months, and after this time it is worth to summarise, but, if possible, the programme should be continued as a next edition