M1.02. Designing and planning the mentoring process
Question 5
Re. 5. Who should be the mentor, the mentee and what shall be the selection criteria?
Not every employee is suitable for the mentor's role. Mentors should be recruited for the programme (selection criteria should be defined), selected and assigned to mentees with use of comprehensive strategy accepted in the organisation, which includes a clearly determined, open process and detailed criteria.
Criteria for mentors may include the following elements: seniority (usually at least 10-year seniority is required), achieved results and professional knowledge (e.g. outstanding manager, leader in some area), participation in mentoring programmes (both as a mentee and a mentor), participation in programmes related to talent development in the organisation, job in a different country than the mentee (refers to mentoring programmes indicating cognition of cultural differences in an organisation as their goals). If the organisation has already some mentoring programmes conducted, an additional criterion may be distinguished for mentors who have already been participating in programmes, referring to the assessment of the mentor's work by organisations and mentees.
In mentoring programmes, mentees constitute usually two main groups: employees who are newly hired or persons who have several years of professional experience and want to develop themselves or are prepared for the assumption of duties from persons who are finishing their career.
In the case of the first group, the criteria for selecting and recruiting to mentoring programme are constituted mainly by new employment or (employment on a new position).
In the case of the second group, these criteria may be diverse and concern results achieved at work, participation in the talent development programme, seniority (usually a period of at least three years), motivation (often application is accompanied by detemination of one's motivation to participate in the programme), as well as often one indicates non-participation in previous mentoring programmes in the organisation as a criterion.