Introduction to Module M2
Mentoring constitutes a feature of the knowledge-based organisation that emphasises development of human resources. In such an organisation employees are allowed to learn through their own experience, while concentration on tasks is reduced for the benefit of an increased emphasis on relations. Relations are developed to achieve a good atmosphere, positive climate, mutual respect, openness to cooperation and, ultimately, to stregthen intellectual capital. In such an organisation it is obvious for all employees that their most important obligation is constituted by continuous deepening of knowledge, acquisition of new skills and competences, and then sharing this knowledge and skills with others. Interactions established in such teams allow for generation of innovative solutions.
Work in a modern organisation is equal to the necessity of continuous learning, while the mentoring relation facilitates this task a lot. Mentoring constitutes the strengthening of valuable elements of an organisational culture, due to the possibility of full transfer of skills, methods of work and systems of values by authorities (mentors) to employees.
Module 2 enables the mentee to learn the basic concepts related to the implementation and assessment of the work-based mentoring process. Module 2 contains three modular units:
- M2_03 - Analysis of conditions significant for the work-based mentoring process
- M2_04 - Implementation of the mentoring process
- M2_05 Record and analysis of the mentoring process
Module 2 aims at the presentation of how to perform mentoring activities in practice (after a theoretical module concerning planning activities within the scope of mentoring - M1).
Modular unit M2_03 Analysis of conditions significant for the work-based mentoring process
The prepared modular unit enables mentees to achieve the following effects/results:
- knowledge of the context and impact of the organisational culture (corporate culture) on ethical standards, relations inside an organisation, including methods of communication, approach to learning (including lifelong learning),
- skill of integration of the mentoring process, including procedures and interactions between the mentor and the mentee into the corporate culture,
- organisational culture (including various models of implementing mentoring in the organisation),
- knowledge and skill of designing roles of particular stakeholders in the mentoring process
- diagnosing barriers in the implementation of mentoring at the organisation and mentee level.
Learning outcomes within the framework of the modular unit M2_03
Knowledge | Skills | Competence |
Modular unit M2_04 - Implementation of the mentoring process
The prepared modular unit constitutes the heart/core of the mentoring process, as within its framework the mentee will learn about stages of the mentoring process and basic mentoring tools and methods.
In this modular unit, the mentee should achieve the following results/outcomes:
- knowledge of mentoring techniques and tools, including their application as elements of work-based adult learning,
- knowledge of mentoring stages, skill of designing them in the working environment,
- knowledge and skill of integration of tasks for the mentee, mentor and organisational activities into the mentoring stages,
- knowledge of organisational needs for the mentoring process and support of organisation/workplace for the mentee,
- knowledge of basic tools and techniques of work between the mentor and the mentee, including, particularly, communication and active listening methods,
- knowledge of the concept of conflict and techniques of dealing with conflicts within the framework of the mentoring process,
- knowledge of designating purposes of mentoring and methods of their achievement,
- knowledge and significance of support for the mentee by the workplace, introduction to the mentoring process, the mentee's place in a team, continuous support in the learning process.
Learning outcomes within the framework of the modular unit M2_04
Knowledge | Skills | Competence |
M2_05 - Record and analysis of the mentoring process
In this modular unit, the mentee should achieve the following results/outcomes:
- knowledge and understanding of principles and methods of monitoring the learning progress,
- knowledge of principles of providing the mentee with effective feedback,
- knowledge of methods and tools (and skill of their application) of the mentoring process analysis,
- knowledge and understanding of organisational principles and procedures in the area of analysis, assessment and reporting the work-based mentoring process,
- skill of agreeing on methods of assessing the mentoring process results that are appropriate, effective, corresponding with selected learning methods,
- skill of analysing educational progress with the mentee – regular assessment, appropriate tools and techniques, analysis of achieved objectives, help to the mentee in analysing achieved results, designing activities supporting achievement of purposes and learning.
Learning outcomes within the framework of the modular unit M2_05
Knowledge | Skills | Competence |